Friday, July 28, 2023

I've Got Peace Like a River

Isaiah 48:18 If you pay attention to God’s commands, your peace will be like a river and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.

 A river and the waves of the sea have several features that tell me more about the peace and righteousness I will have in my life as I obey God.

1. They flow endlessly.  One of the things I love most about visiting the beach is watching the constant and continuous breaking of waves. Even on calm weather days that perpetual motion is there. No matter how long you wait, the waves keep coming. The same is true of a river. The movement of the water is never-ending, even if it is difficult to see. The peace God gives me as His obedient child is always there for me to rely on, even if at times I have to look carefully for it.

2. Only drought can ebb their flow or stop them. The only time a river stops moving is when the source has dried up for some reason. I have been watching that happen in Africa where there has been a drought. I enjoy watching live streaming of African animals (on and the rivers have been slowly drying up for some time now because of the drought. God's peace dries up like that when I am spiritually dry because I have not been staying focused on God in my life. The great news is that every time I have lost that peace, when I get back on track and back in touch with God, the river of peace starts flowing again ... the drought ends.

3. They are comforting and restful.  The people who watch them have a relaxed, restful sense even if it is a noisy atmosphere. When I have an opportunity to visit the beach and watch the waves, I always feel relaxed. It does not really make sense, does it? All that noise and movement should have the opposite affect, but it doesn't. And so it is with the peace of God to the obedient child of God ... it enables one to rest in the comfort of knowing that God is in control. 

According to this verse, this kind of peace - God's peace - is only mine if I pay attention to God's commands. My obedience is key. May God help me to keep obeying.


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